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REVIEW: Three conductors for the Radio France Philharmonic back-to-school concert

REVIEW: Three conductors for the Radio France Philharmonic back-to-school concert


FR: “[Gabel] est encore un jeune mahlérien, qui compte approfondir cet univers dans les prochaines années… avec l’énergie, l’autorité et l’ambitus dynamique de cette lecture toute en présence et vitalité, fulgurante par moments.”
EN: “[Gabel] is still a young Mahlerian, who intends to deepen this universe in the coming years… with the energy, the authority and the dynamic ambition of this reading all in presence and vitality, dazzling at times.”


Philharmonie : Fabien Gabel dirige l'Orchestre de  Paris

Philharmonie : Fabien Gabel dirige l'Orchestre de Paris

”It is a particular pleasure to see an artist evolve harmoniously: every opportunity we have to hear the French Fabien Gabel - 39 years old, musical director of the Quebec Symphony Orchestra since 2012, former assistant to Kurt Masur at the National Orchestra of France - illustrates this feeling.”